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NFT Lending.


Borrow, Lend & Refinance on the most capital efficient protocol.


Borrow WETH or USDC against your NFT assets. No oracle liquidations and cheaper gas fees. Also enjoy pro-rata interest and refinancing.


Earn yield on your WETH or USDC by providing loans against NFTs. Set loan offers for individual loan items or whole collections.


Loans can get refinanced at any point giving borrowers better loan terms and lenders the ability for higher capital utilization rates.

Trusted by:

Seedphrase picture


Gfunk picture


Dan Polko picture

Dan Polko

Phantom Scribbler picture

Phantom Scribbler

Barthazian picture


Tony Herrera picture

Tony Herrera

Loan Volume












Backed by the best

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Finally peace of mind for


Clear rules. Loans get better with time. No oracle liquidations.

Cheapest loans

Gondi is optimized to save you money. Interest is not only pro rated but loans can get better with time.

Sit back, relax

Lenders can instantly refinance your loans. No action required from your side. No need to check floor prices either as Gondi is oracle-less.

Maximum Flexibility

Pay back at any moment. Your asset, your choices.

Why borrow on Gondi?

List your item

Get the best offers

Get terms improved

Repay the loan

Set your desired terms and list your items at Gondi. Receive multiple loan offers and choose the one that suits your needs.

List your item pictureGet the best offers pictureGet terms improved pictureRepay the loan picture

Repaying early will save you ETH or USDC

Only pay for the time you borrow.

Interest cost over time

Only pay for accrued interest desktop pictureOnly pay for accrued interest mobile picture

Support for:

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Vulcan picture
Token Proof picture

Whitelisted Collections

More collections to be whitelisted soon!